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当前位置:笔趣阁>玄幻魔法>龙零> 第一千三百七十一章 伊甸之园

第一千三百七十一章 伊甸之园(2 / 2)

my last night here for you

ld songs justee

my last night here with you ?

maybe yes maybe no

i kindlikedyouy

how you shyly placed your eyesme

oh did you ever k?

that i had mineyou

darlingthere you are

with that lookyour face

asyou’re never hurt

asyou’re never down

shall ithe one for you

who pinches you softly but sure

if fshthen

i will kthat you aredreamer

so leteyou


close enough fe

to feel your heart beating fast

and stay therei whisper

how i love you peaceful eyesme

did you ever know

that i had mineyou

darlingshare with me

your loveyou have enough

your testsyou’re holding back

inthat’s whatis

hi let you know

i’e than the dress and the voice

just reachout then

you will kthat you’re not dreami未完待续。。)

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